Up for bid. 1 Chinese Snuff Bottle with box The box has a Chinese mark on the bottom. looks like pen? the mark is a T, with a swish like a sideways S on the lower part of the T. I do not know if that is of any concern. The bottle has a scene of people and buildings trees a market and a train. looks like a small number 7 and a number 3 on both sides, If I remember correctly these numbers had something to do with the time the painting represents. bottle is 4 3/4 inches tall 2 inches wide.Very nice bottle!
I saw this bottle on antiques roadshow, although the person on the show had no box the material on the box is a lot like the material on the chess set I have on my other listing, possibly same era?Except for the numbers, I wish I remembered what was said about it. I purchased this some time after the show. Good luck