Antique 18th C Iron Pot Lid with Bird Finial Handle Primitve Early Folk Art

Antique 18th C Iron Pot Lid with Bird Finial Handle Primitve Early Folk Art


foxrunfarms Store

Antique 18th C Iron Pot Lid with Bird Finial Handle Primitve Early Folk Art


A Scarce 18th Century Figural Pot Lid

In George Nuemann’s book "Early American Antique Country Furnishings", you can see some similar examples to this pot lid, though none come as close to being as charming as this piece due to the wonderful figural handle. 

Pot lids were placed upon narrow necked cast iron bellied pot hearth cookware in an effort to contain the contents therein.

I’ve also seen them referenced to be used on crock lids, especially ones that would have been sealed with wax, etc. 

One general element of rarity to pot lids comes from the fact that when used on a hearth pot, many were tipped off the vessels and into the flames of the fire from pressure and steam of the contents.  As such, many were lost rather quickly as the thinner nature of the lid would be consumed from the heat.

As mentioned, the handle on this piece is truly an exquiste representation of early folk art.  Note the details to the birds eye and the negative space in the center shaped like a wing.

Also of note is the fact there is a circular outline of punched star marks on the top of the lid.

Some slight pitting from age though overall its a solid example. 

Measures 6" in diameter.

A nice piece for the Americana iron collection, would look great on a pot at an open hearth, or the mantle of an open hearth fireplace. 

Offered for a week with no reserve and a low starting bid.

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