Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy was she? Please meet Blanche, a lovely old soul from 1918-20, complete with button and many stories to share, as is evident by her sometimes working growler! When you tip her just so she will give a little grunt, so rare to hear and just cute! Blanche has been through many trials and tribulations in her lifetime and has suffered some scars, mostly losing her fur and having some age spots on backs of legs…but it happens to the best of us really! She is 16 inches, an antique creamy white color, has her button, replaced and worn paw padswith some holes, could easily be redone. Her nose looks original to me, but I am not 100% sure. She is a charachter for sure and has many stories left to tell with her growler, she is hoping to find her forever home with someone who sees past her flaws and wants to make her even more well loved! Blanche will come dressed for spring in her cornflower blue cotton dress, lace bow, lovely vintage flower and rhinestone pin, her favorite chair and teacup and knit booties….she always likes to look her best in case someone asks her to tea! Please email me you may have!