RARE  Paleolithic Cromer fossil Bed Tool and fossil bones lot 800,000 bp

RARE Paleolithic Cromer fossil Bed Tool and fossil bones lot 800,000 bp


RARE Assembledge of Cromerian artifacts From Happisburgh, Norfolk that consists of, One flint tool, and two fossil Mammal bones.

The group of rare finds were collectoed from the eroding site of Happisburgh, Norfolk During January of this year ( 2012) . Rough weather over the winter accelerated coastal erosion and from the exposed cromer fossil bed series fossil bones and occasionally artifacts emerge. The Happisburgh handaxe made famous by its discovery in 2000 by a dogwalker was found in situ in the forest bed and has pushed the history of man in Europe  back to 800,000 bp, this makes the site the oldest in Northern Europe. Dr David Waterhouse in conjunction with The British Museum and the Natural history museum quotes that the 800,000 years ago date was a conservative one and the probable age of the finds from the site is within a bracket extending r to 970,000bp. There are numerous references on the web although the British museum reserch projects gives a good insight, and also wikipedia gives the basic info before precise dating though.

The pieces, flint tool measuring 7.1cm by 4.1cm by 2.1 cm at its widest parts, black glossy flint with small grey inclussions, struck from a water worn pebble, retouch to point and exterior surface, bulb and ripple marks, charicteristic curve of flake. Part of the original pebble exterior surface remains on the exterior face of the tool, no cortex remains however the patina of the section is different to the rest of the tool surfaces. Please look at photos

Bones, A flat section of fossilised shoulder bone possibly horse, mineralised deposits including microscopic plant material remaining, piece measures 12.5cm by 6.0cm by 3.0 at its widest points, fresh surfaces . And a bone joint well rolled but still has mineraslised deposits adhering to underside of bone fragment. Measures 9.5cm by 7.0cm by 4.0cm .

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