Antique StrombergCarlson AWP8 Band Radio 1956 Fair Condition

Antique StrombergCarlson AWP8 Band Radio 1956 Fair Condition


nbrinto Store

Antique Stromberg-Carlson AWP-8 Shortwave Radio.  Nonworking mainly due to age and neglect.  Would make a beautiful restored piece. Carry case has sustained some damages over the years but internals seem good.  This is a portable shortwave radio piece, battery operated.

Three Power Portable Multi-band AM Superheterodyne Receiver. AC-DC 117
Volts (220 Volts using Adapter) or 9 Volts (A) plus 90 Volts (B) in Pack
Form. 6 Short Wave Bands = 1.8 – 18.4 MC. 5 tubes plus ballast tube

Apparently these radios are even better at picking up shortwave frequencies than some modern shortwave radios.
